My name is Joy Arlene Sorel, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner in New York City. I started my journey in psychiatric
nursing on December 2014 as a Registered Nurse in a children and adolescents unit with behavioral issues. It was
a transition for me as I did not think I would adjust well in this field/unit. Not only did I enjoy working with these populations, but I fell in love with psychiatric nursing.

Knowledge and Experience
I have expanded my knowledge and begun to work with adults with severe mental illness in Manhattan, New York, which allows me to use clinical experiences and knowledge to provide the best treatment options for these individuals. I knew then that psychiatric nursing was the right route for me, and I continued my education to serve my clients better.
Clients and Workplace
My knowledge in psychiatric nursing did not stop after the degree I obtained from the school. I constantly learn from my workplace and, of course, from each of my clients, as their cases are as unique as them.
In conclusion, they say knowledge is power, but I disagree with that statement because I strongly believe that knowledge is a piece of tool a clinician/nurse have, but it won’t be as effective if the provider does not have the passion, experience, trust, empathy, understanding the patients and most of all respect!