What is unique about promoting wellness for older adults?

In order to provide the highest quality care for older adults, the healthcare provider has an evolving understanding of wellness as an essential aspect of health care. Nurses can incorporate wellness-oriented goals into their care plans like environmental modifications (grab bars, bright and non-glare lighting). Providing health teaching to clients, such as periodic eye exams or evaluation from an ophthalmologist. Teachings for caregivers or families not to stand in front of a bright window when speaking with an older adult. Lastly, how can we address these essential questions to our loved ones: How does the environment affect the elderly level of functioning? Is the environment affecting the quality of life of the elderly?

Nursing interventions to address specific aspects of quality of life for the older adultsㅤ
Teaching clients about journaling activities or other activities that can increase self-esteem and optimism
Arranging transportation for clients to local church services or making referrals to faith-based groups
Facilitating participation in group meals and doing group exercises with music
Encouraging connection to others such as participating in social and educational activities
Encouraging activities in nature and referring to transportation resources
Providing information about supporting resources and helping the older adult to develop a contingency plan in emergency cases
Hirst, P. S., Lane, M. A., & Miller, A. C. (2015). Miller’s nursing for wellness in older adults. Wolters Kluwer.